Member Access
The Test

Having achieved a satisfactory Ride Report rating during your training your Trainer will advise that you are test ready and recommend that you apply to RoSPA for the Advanced Motorcycle test. The RoSPA examiner will assess your riding ability and knowledge of the Highway Code and use of the principles described in the Police Motorcycle Roadcraft Handbook. RoADAR (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders) operate a grading system when carrying out tests.

On completion of your test you will be awarded either a Bronze, Silver or Gold pass, dependent on the examiner's view of how well you have ridden. You will also receive a full written report in addition to the verbal feedback on the day.

A Gold pass is the highest civilian motorcycle qualification available and an extremely high standard of riding is required throughout the 90-minute test to achieve this. Having achieved a graded pass at Gold, Silver or Bronze demonstrates that you have successfully increased your skill level of machine control and road safety knowledge over and above that of the general public.